Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Chapter 31: Pink Smoke over Sydney

Anglican Women Priests defy Sydney Ministry ban!

Guess what. It's a complete myth that there are no Anglican women priests in the Sydney Anglican Diocese. Women priests are here, and they're staying. It's a complete myth that women don't preach in the Sydney Anglican Diocese. They do, and their insistent, reasonable voices are heard. And it's a complete myth that only church men exercise Christian leadership and management in Sydney Anglican churches. Sydney Anglican parishes could not function without their current women leaders and managers. Discrimination against women priests in Sydney Anglican churches has fallen flat on it's face since journalists revealed how prejudiced churchmen have exposed church women to domestic violence by endorsing rampant male misogyny. Anglican women priests from outside Sydney visit Sydney parishes regularly, and Holy Communion has been celebrated by an Anglican woman priest (a senior Australian Defence Force military chaplain) in Sydney, without the heavens falling in. Sydney Anglican dogmatism is in disarray. The Sydney misogynists who invaded our churches are definitely on the way out, but they're kicking and screaming all the way down the nave to the church door.

Scared out of their wits by being consigned to misogynist hell and damnation by the community at large, these Sydney Anglican churchmen have scrambled to rewrite their anti-women-priest dogmas. Rapidly backing away from their insistence on exclusively male church headship coupled with righteous male subordination of church women, they (and a gullible cohort of well rewarded, indoctrinated, subordained female deacons who have signed away their right to female priesthood) are now teaching a new, convoluted red herring heresy designed to distract and confuse parishioners. The largely irreligious Sydney public, many of whom have been driven out of the church by their bigotry, is just bemused by their stupidity.

Ironically, they couldn't find a word in the Oxford English Dictionary to describe it, so they invented a new buzzword - complementarianism. This convenient invention illogically asserts that trained and subordained women ministers, however capable, should do only what male ministers can't do, or don't want to do. Women get the ministry crumbs that fall under the table, the leftovers, and are supposed to lick them up gratefully. Like cleaning the church. It's so completely in tune with Vatican male misogyny that even Pope Francis is promoting it!

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